Choosing the best grass types for El Paso can certainly be a challenge due to the hot and dry climate of this southwestern city. But with some knowledge and effort, you can transform your patchy, dusty lawn into a lush oasis. Imagine sitting back with a glass of lemonade and enjoying the bright sun and warm desert breeze in your own verdant paradise. So, let’s dive into the world of grasses that can withstand the heat and dryness of El Paso, TX.

    Warm-Season vs. Cool-Season Grasses

    To plant a lawn, you’ll have to make a choice between warm-season and cool-season grasses, depending on the climate you live in. 

    Warm-season grasses thrive in warm temperatures, while cool-season grasses do better in cooler climates. Warm-season grasses remain green in spring and summer, becoming dormant in autumn and winter. In contrast, cool-season grasses provide warmth and comfort to the soil during the cooler months. 

    The choice of grass for your lawn ultimately depends on the climate and weather conditions in your area. In either case, both types can make for a stunning lawn.

    4 Warm-Season Grasses for El Paso, TX

    El Paso, Texas, a city with temperatures ranging from a mild 34 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter to a sizzling 97 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer, can be a real challenge when it comes to lawn care. Luckily, there are grasses that can withstand the heat and arid conditions of the region. Since El Paso experiences warmer temperatures most of the year, you’ll have the most success growing warm-season grass

    Imagine looking out your window and seeing a lush green lawn, the perfect setting for a summer barbeque with friends and family, or a peaceful, relaxing spot with a good book. It’s time to put away the patchy, brown lawn and transform your outdoor space into a beautiful and inviting oasis. So let’s dive in and explore these four best types of grass for El Paso.

    1. Bermudagrass

    A picture showing lush green colored bermuda grass of a lawn

    Photo Credit: Pexels

    Bermudagrass is a top pick for El Paso homeowners looking for durable grass that can withstand the harsh desert climate. This grass is known for its ability to handle high use, drought, and disease easily, making it a good choice for lawns that receive a lot of foot traffic. 

    However, Bermudagrass requires full sun and does not do well in the shade, so it’s important to remember this when planning your lawn. Additionally, while Bermudagrass has a moderate tolerance for cold weather, it will lose its color and go dormant after a frost in late fall and remain dormant throughout the winter. Overall, Bermudagrass is a fantastic choice for El Paso homeowners looking for a resilient and attractive lawn.

    Classification: Warm-season grass

    Spreads by: Stolons and rhizomes

    Shade tolerance: Low; thrives in full sun

    Drought tolerance: High 

    Foot traffic tolerance: High 

    Maintenance needs: Needs frequent mowing due to fast growth rate; develops thatch easily; needs regular fertilization 

    Mowing height: Set the mowing height between 0.5 and 1.5 inches for hybrid Bermudagrass cultivars. Mow common Bermudagrass down to 1.5 to 2.5 inches.

    Potential for disease: Good resistance to disease, although diseases are common; low resistance to insects

    Soil pH: 6-6.5

    Soil type: Tolerates most soil types

    Other notes: One of the main challenges of maintaining Bermuda grass is its high demand for nutrients. This grass is a voracious feeder, requiring regular fertilization to sustain its thick and lush growth.

    2. Zoysiagrass

    lush green zoysia grass in a lawn

    Photo Credit: Russbach at the English Wikipedia / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0

    Zoysiagrass is a fantastic option for El Paso homeowners who want a low-maintenance, drought-tolerant lawn. This grass is known for its ability to withstand heat and drought, requiring only moderate amounts of water thanks to its deep root system. However, in extended periods of drought, Zoysiagrass may turn brown or straw-colored and go dormant. 

    Although it is slow to establish and has a slow recovery rate, it has a high traffic tolerance, making it ideal for lawns that receive a lot of foot traffic. Zoysiagrass also has the added advantage of being more tolerant of shade than other grasses. Additionally, Zoysiagrass adapts well to soils with a lack of nutrients, which is common in El Paso.

    Classification: Warm-season grass

    Spreads by: Stolons and rhizomes

    Shade tolerance: Moderate

    Drought tolerance: Moderate to High

    Foot traffic tolerance: High, but recovers slowly from damage

    Maintenance needs: Low nitrogen fertilization requirements, although it’s prone to thatch build-up. 

    Mowing height: Set mowing height between 1 and 2 inches.

    Potential for disease: Good disease tolerance overall

    Soil pH: 6-6.5

    Soil type: Well-draining, some cultivars more tolerant of a wide range of soils than others

    Other notes: Zoysia has a remarkable ability to thrive in drought conditions due to its deep-rooted nature, allowing it to reach groundwater and adapt to different environments.

    3. Buffalograss

    California Buffalograss in a house backyard in California

    Photo Credit: Susan Harris / Flickr / CC BY 2.0

    Buffalograss is an excellent option for El Paso homeowners looking for grass that can withstand drought and requires little water. This grass is highly resistant to drought and disease, making it an ideal choice for areas with limited rainfall, like El Paso. Buffalograss is also well-known for its water conservation abilities and can survive on less water than most other grasses. However, it is important to note that it can turn brown if it doesn’t receive any water at all. 

    Buffalograss requires full sun and has no tolerance for shade. During the winter months, it may go dormant for an extended period, losing its color and becoming less attractive. Finally, buffalograss has low traffic tolerance, so it may not be the best choice for lawns that receive a lot of foot traffic. 

    Classification: Warm-season grass

    Spreads by: Stolons

    Shade tolerance: Low

    Drought tolerance: High 

    Foot traffic tolerance: Low 

    Maintenance needs: Low fertilizer and mowing needs. Requires weed control. 

    Mowing height: Set the mowing height between 2 and 3 inches.

    Potential for disease: Good tolerance against diseases and insects

    Soil pH: 6.5-7.5

    Soil type: Native clay soils, not sandy soils

    Other notes: Buffalo grass tends to grow thinly, making it vulnerable to weed invasion.

    4. Seashore Paspalum

    Seashore Paspalum grass in lawn

    Photo Credit: Raffi Kojian / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0

    Seashore paspalum is perfect for those who live in El Paso, where the climate is hot and dry. It is salt-tolerant and can handle the soil and irrigation water’s salinity, making it a smart choice for homeowners living in this area. It is specifically designed to handle hot temperatures, but it has a moderate drought tolerance. 

    Classification: Warm-season

    Spreads by: Rhizomes and stolons

    Shade Tolerance: Low to Moderate

    Drought Tolerance: Moderate

    Foot Traffic Tolerance: Moderate

    Maintenance Needs: Moderate fertilizer and frequent mowing. 

    Mowing Height: Set the mowing height between 1 and 2 inches.

    Potential for Disease: Moderate. Common diseases include large patch and dollar spot. 

    Soil pH: Tolerates a wide soil pH range, from 3.6 to 10.2

    Soil Type: Tolerates a wide range of soils, including wet, saline soil. 

    Other Notes: Seashore Paspalum Grass has a moderate traffic tolerance.

    FAQ About El Paso Grass Types

    What is the softest grass for Texas?

    Buffalograss is one of the top grasses, not just because of its ability to withstand drought but also due to its gentle texture. When allowed to grow naturally, it creates a modern and billowing appearance in your landscape. 

    Which type of grass requires the least water and maintenance?

    Zoysiagrass, Bermudagrass, and Buffalograss are all low-water-requirement grasses that can withstand extended periods of drought without turning brown or withering away.

    What is the fastest and easiest grass to grow?

    In as little as 10 days, bermudagrass, the fastest-growing warm-season grass, can start to germinate. Similarly, ryegrass, which thrives in cool climates, can also germinate in a short period.

    Choose Plant and Grass Varieties for Your El Paso Landscape

    In conclusion, choosing the right type of grass for your El Paso backyard requires careful consideration of each grass’s unique characteristics. Factors such as water requirements, drought tolerance, and overall appearance should all be taken into account when making a decision. 

    It’s important to remember that selecting the perfect grass is just one component of creating a beautiful and thriving landscape. The best native plants for El Paso can also transform your Texas yard.

    To ensure the continued health and maintenance of your backyard, professional help may be needed. Whether for regular lawn care, pest control, or landscaping services, don’t hesitate to contact an El Paso lawn care pro to help keep your outdoor space looking its best.

    Main Photo Credit: Magoffin Home / Visit El Paso / Flickr / CC BY 2.0