While there are no watering restrictions in Columbus when temperatures and precipitation are in their normal range, you will see a call to action during periods of drought. When temps go up, and the rivers go down, check with the city’s utilities department, or local news stations for updates.
The ‘Burbs
Some municipalities within the Columbus metro need to keep watering schedules in place year-round, especially during periods of excessive heat and limited rainfall. That’s because the suburban facilities serve many customers within a smaller region.
In Westerville, for example, houses or businesses with addresses that end in even numbers can water the grass on even-numbered days. Subsequently, house and business addresses that end in odd numbers may water on odd-numbered days. The restriction doesn’t apply to trees, shrubs, gardens, and flowerbeds.
In Delaware, Ohio, to conserve resources, voluntary restrictions are in place during normal rainfall. But the schedule becomes more rigid during prolonged periods of hot and dry weather. Homeowners whose properties have odd numbers can water on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Even-numbered addresses may water on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. In an effort to refill reserves, Delco Water Company prohibits watering on Mondays. During drought times in Ohio, residents are asked to limit car-washing, running the dishwasher and clothes washer.
Watering restrictions and conservation tips are similar in Gahanna, Dublin, Hilliard, Upper Arlington, Powell, Bexley, Grandview, and Granville.
Precious Resource
Yes, Ohioans may take it for granted, but water is a precious resource, although we do get a lot of rain here. Still, there are reasons to preserve water. Cutting down on water usage means a lower utility bill. Conserving water and using this precious resource as wisely as possible is always a good habit.
Water early in the morning or after the sun sets in the evening. Irrigating the lawn before 10 a.m. is preferred by experts, as it allows water to soak directly into the ground before evaporating. Mulching flowerbeds, garden and shrub areas helps to keep moisture in. Wash the car from a bucket of water; use a hose with a hose-end nozzle when it’s time to rinse.
- Refrain from rinsing dishes before placing them in the dishwasher. Run full loads.
- Wash full loads of laundry.
- Replace hoses, faucet washers, toilet innards, showerheads and anything else that leaks or drips.
- Shorter showers mean less hot water usage.
- Turn off the faucet while shaving, brushing teeth, and cleaning fruits and vegetables.
Columbus Water Stats
The Columbus Division of Public Utilities operates and maintains three water treatment plants, 37 water storage tanks, 26 pump stations, nearly 27,000 hydrants, and close to 3.500 miles of water lines. Nearly 134 million gallons of water are pumped into homes and businesses every day. That’s about 50 billion gallons a year to 1.2 million people.
Preventing water pollution and conserving resources is a community-wide responsibility. You can do your part by not pouring kitchen grease down the drain, properly disposing of household hazardous waste and yard and pet waste. You can also limit stormwater runoff by creating a rain garden. This area provides water for your garden and prevents pollutants from entering our water supply.
Consider volunteering for litter cleanup sessions along watersheds and waterways. That’s something you can do year-round in Columbus, rain or shine.
Looking to learn more about lawn care and gardening in Columbus? Visit our Columbus Lawn Care page.