The Garden Dispatch is a weekly compilation of useful and interesting resources for gardeners and landscape designers.

    The 101 of Growing Hedges for Big & Small Gardens

    No matter what the size of your gardens is, hedges make a good choice when it comes to mark borders of your heaven. Hedges have many benefits when compared to stock fence panels. Hedges are beautiful and environmental-friendly. They attract birds by providing them safe perching places. They also act as wind barriers and crime-deterrents. Check out this comprehensive guide on growing and maintaining evergreen hedges.

    Featured Plants: Yucca rostrata, Washingtonia filifera,  Pellaea mucronata

    Yucca rostrata is a drought-tolerant and low-maintenance plant suitable for xeriscaping projects. The plant is characterized by spiky blue-grey leaves that form a nice symmetrical rosette.

    Washingtonia filifera is an evergreen palm tree and is known for its beautiful large fronds. This drought-tolerant plant makes a nice specimen tree in gardens and landscapes.

    Pellaea mucronata makes a good low-growing plant that can be used in garden landscapes as filler as well as attractive foliage plant. Pellaea is equally good for hanging baskets because of its delicate stems that are usually covered with small and fresh-green leaves.

    Pellaea Mucronata

    Pellaea mucronata

    Article: Mulch or No Mulch

    To mulch or not to mulch – Read this interesting article on pros and cons of mulching.

    How to…

    How to make clay containers

    Brittni Mehlhoff gives step-by-step guide to making your own clay pots and containers to hold small plants.

    DIY Clay Planter

    DIY Clay Planter

    How to make moss checkerboard

    Follow these simple tips on making a nice moss checkerboard by Janell Hobart.

    How to grow moisture loving plants in a dry climate

    If you are living in a region where summer is long, hot and dry, growing moisture loving plants like ferns or air plants can be a bit tricky. However, there are several quick and easy ways to maintain appropriate level of humidity for your plants and keep them healthy and happy in hot and dry summer. Discover some simple and practical tips for growing moisture-loving plants in a dry climate.

    Featured Garden: Garden of Designer Chris Moss

    Designer Chris Moss has used his own garden in Stockwell, south London, as a mood board. A dark and bright combination works so well here that he shows clients round to persuade them of the logic of black. Have a look at Chris’s garden.

    chris moss garden

    Beautiful combination of black and green